Police are called on boy selling ‘Ice Cold Beer’ but his clever sign has them laughing

Some people just have a natural talent for business. When you mix that with hard work, a desire to take chances, and the drive to improve their skills, it creates a powerful recipe for success.

An 11-year-old boy from Utah named Seth has launched his own business, and his clever marketing plan has impressed a lot of people lately.

It turned out that instead of opening a lemonade stand, he chose to sell something else. He stood by the sidewalk with a sign that said, “Ice Cold Beer.”

Some people thought it was adorable and complimented him for launching a business, but other neighbors were worried about a kid selling beer, so they called the police.

Before long, a couple of officers came by Seth’s stand, and instead of scolding him, they ended up sharing a good laugh.

It turned out that this young business whiz was selling root beer, but the word “root” was in tiny green letters, while “beer” was in much bigger letters.

Some folks think that the person who called the police on this young man should feel bad about it, but the police department had a different opinion. They said, “Our community members should never feel guilty or awkward for reaching out to us. They were just reporting something they thought was suspicious. It’s all good.”

The officers spent a dollar on some root beer and helped promote Seth’s business by telling his adorable story.

You can do the same by sharing it too.